Tuesday, March 16, 2010


The term "Collective Subconscious" gets thrown around alot these days...but this one reeeeeaaally hurts:

This was my 'million dollar baby'--ten years gestating, started, stopped, started, pitched, started, stopped...let this be a lesson to all you creators: don't wait to put out that idea, do it. Complete it, in some form, some how. Man. This stings.

My version is soooo much better.


wolfboy said...

thanks, Damon

T' said...

If your version is so different, why not write/draw it anyway? You could get yours done before this movie...

Michelle Bickford said...

Agree and double agree!!

wolfboy said...

I don't know...when something like this happens, it sort of tarnishes the excitement a bit. My "super original idea" turns into "sort of interesting idea". Why it took me this long is beyond me.

T' said...

You didn't feel that way about doing Plastic Man, did you? And that wasn't even -your- original idea. I know I'm just some guy from cyberspace but it seems to me that if the idea is good enough, it's worth doing regardless of its potential originality.

ANDY KUHN said...

not to sound too much like i'm lecturing, but "T" has a point. "it's the teller, not the tale" as they say......and you're a helluva "teller"! that's a sweet drawing, by the way. i'm interested to know what happens next. :)